Around 2pm we move out from takeshi house lo.. Then go to Taman Connought. Thought want to eat lunch at Basketball there. But both also CLOSE. Then move to Tasty Food. also close.. charm lo... At last we go eat at Old Town , Taman Connought. Takeshi treat me eat lo. If I not he going to treat me, sure I order alot. haha.. Then accidentaly meet takeshi offgamers big boss lo.. damn kamsiap.. didnt treat us eat.
After eat we go to Sunway Pyramid lo.. Just walk walk around. Then We go eat at Shihlin Taiwan Street Snacks. This time I treat. hehe...
After eat the chicken, I go out walk around and want to play the dancing games lo.. Unfortunelly the machine was broken. I put the coin inside but cant work.. aiks.. rugi RM1. Then I go look for earing again. Buy 1 pair of cross again., This time is silver color. Walk again. Then move to Hardware Ace. Go inside and buy Rain X.
After that around 6pm we move out lo... Then go to Takeshi house take my luggage. And he send me to Mcdonald Taman Connought. So boring.. Thought Luffi will come. But he break the promise. And I call Azzam, want to eat dinner or not lo.. Then he reply yes. and We go eat lo.. western food. I bought Takeshi Medium Set of Big Mac and he bring back home to eat. I put my luggage again into his car. Tonight I sleep at Takeshi house again.. :P AFter he HALAU me.. haha
We go to Bukit Cheras by Azzam motor lo.. and eat WESTERNS CAFE Taman Bukit Cheras

That night I eat alot. so I paid the bil lo.. rn36.50 we eat. Azzam Just eat Chicken Chop and Kerang nia. And other food all I finished it by my own. Buy we taipoa the kerang back lo.. Coz cant finish.. After that, we go back to Azzam house. Take his pendrive lo and give the kerang to Azzam's parent. After that we go to CC. Because Azzam want to download software. So help him download lo.. That night I ride Azzam motor lo.. Around 12am I called takeshi and meet him and Petronas station lo... Then he came and pump the petrol. Then balik Rumah.. kong kong chiang. take shower online and tidor..