0900 - wake up and online
0920 - go bus stand Manjung. Buy ticket. Take GSM bus lo.. 1st time sit this bus.. cost me RM25. so expensive.
0925 - drive to McD lo.. see who can fetch me go bus stand. asked the manager LAILI. But she ask Azidi. coz he working at 10am..
0950 - start take shower and pack up thing. that time was very rushing lo..
1010 - Azidi came. so he wait for me around 10 minute. But he didnt bring extra helmet. what to do!!! hurm.. so he said nevermind.. just go only. If saw police then we run away. so i also agree with that
1025 - reach bus stand Manjung. But the bus havent arrive. so i went go 7-11 buy maggie hot cup , sour plum drink and some sweet. Then go to the stall near bus stand . buy some bread , 1 mineral water and 3 packet fish sate.
1040 - bus came.. that morning the bus less than 10 passenger only. then start to sms all my friend at KL. not ayertawarian la.. haha.. finish around 100 sms....

1400 - reach KL. then straight go to Salak Selatan. meet my friend. Azzam. He work at LRT Salak Selatan.. :-). Then give him 1 fish sate.
While waiting Azzam, suddenly 1 customer argue with worker.. I think the guard at there... Dono what happend la.. I just heard this
woman: apa bising2? budak in OKU (Orang Kurang Upaya) Cilaka babi, otak babi. taik babi.. and so so,, can remember so much
Then we went to eat our lunch.. damn expensive. small. not nice also.. haha
5-, Jln Permasuri 9, Bdr Sri Permasuri,
56000 Cheras Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-91728049 Fax: 03-91728786
REG SUL 24-06-2009 03:25 PM 075262
[CHK#] 1057
2X @1/ 0.50
2 TOWEL RM1.00
2X @1/ 0.50
9 No
5% SRVC CHRG : RM1.55
CASH RM32.00
Thank You! Please Come Again!
5-, Jln Permasuri 9, Bdr Sri Permasuri,
56000 Cheras Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-91728049 Fax: 03-91728786
REG SUL 24-06-2009 03:25 PM 075262
[CHK#] 1057
2X @1/ 0.50
2 TOWEL RM1.00
2X @1/ 0.50
9 No
5% SRVC CHRG : RM1.55
CASH RM32.00
Thank You! Please Come Again!
After take lunch. still hungry. so go buy some bread and 1 coke again. Then the cashier said i look like 1 Taiwanese Artist. Ming Dao. dono who is he also.. haha...
Then I call Alan.. see where is he now.. He told me around 5pm can reach Low Yat lo..
1530 - Then walk back to station. Azzam treat me ticket again. lol...
1545 - at Time Square. walk here and there.. doing nothing.. Then go to Lowyat. Start doing all the warranty thing.. warranty my notebook Hard Disc at Sri Computer. and Ram at Thunder Match . That ram cost me 1 rm30. for warranty.. so expensive...
1710 - Alan came. That time i at The Hub store.. survey Ming Sie thing lo.... This time Alan kena tipu by few people.. too baik hati. ahaha.. go donate rm50 to people at Monorail there...
buy alot of thing. about RM1k i spend at lowyat. The thing i bought are
Kingston 2GB PC 667 DDR2 Ram - RM82.00
Kingston 1Gb PC 400 DDR Ram - RM124.00
AV Headset - RM19.00
Seagate EXT HDD 2.5" FREEAGENT GO 320GB - RM254.00
ENC 2.5" cLAMUL mOVIEbOX pLAYER - rm249.00
1900 - walk to TimeSquare again. because Alan want to to 7th floor. MAchinese store.. Want buy his Gundam again lo.. This time he bought 3 box and book 1 box. Total he spend around RM600 for that day. see how rich is he,. can became my ARLONG.. haha.
1920 - Then went to eat at Taiwan Street, we eat 2 set of Ricebox with 2 soya drink, 1 seafood tempura (not nice at all) and oyster homemade mee shua.
1950 - finish eat . we walk to Sg wang. wah.. That Sg wang change alot. haha.. that underwear department dono gone where already.
2030 - go to Lot 10. see my thing. tought want to buy something to polish my shoe. but dont have. see sunglass. Oakley brand. Damn expensive. Got 1 sunglasses got built in mp3. only 256mb. cost rm999
2100 - Find Secret Receipi. coz Alan want to buy take.. for his friend lo.. Buy 6slice of cake. and we eat 1 black pepper lamb pie. Then i went to McD Bukit Bintang buy a drink, Of course buy at there la.. SR drink so expensive, some more cant refill.. That time we refill for 3 time.. haha..

2130 - Take monorail to Hang Tuah , and transit STAR. I went to Salak Selatan and Alan went to Tasik Selatan. Then from Tasik Selatan Alan transit again. Take ERL to Cyber Jaya
2200 - reach Salak Selatan. Feel want eating something while waiting my friend LUFTI. he said he went to eat with his sister and bro in law. So i wait him until 2300.
2300 - Then he sms me.. ask me walk to find him. That time stupid maxis.. He send at 2230. But the sms reach at 2300. Make me miss a dinner.. haha. at there i Just order 1 Tembikai Juice... (watermelon juice).
After that we went to Lufti's Brother in Law house at Tasik Permasuri.. Around that area... not really sure la.. must be.. :D. Just send Lufti's Brother in Law and his wife back home.. Then we drive again.. Then Lufti ask
Lufti: nak pergi mana ni?
dsloong: x tau.. aku ikut je,,,
Lufti: erm.. makan nak x?
dsloong: aku ok je.,.. haha..
Lufti: mana?
dsloong: Taman Connought.. rindu kat mamak sana,, haha
Lufti: ok .. ni kena pusing jauh.. sb jalan dpn sudah tutup.
dsloong: ok,, oo.. ari ni rabu.. ada pasar malam kat sana.,, confirm jam a.,..
Lufti: erm.. abistu?
dsloong: kita pergi Mcdonald's Taman Connought je... cari member lama..
Lufti: rindu kat nyok (pondan) a,,,
dsloong: ok je...
0000 - reach Mcdonald's Taman Connought. But all new people.. none of them we know.. then we went back lo.. Then Lufti went to 7-11 reload maxis.. I ask Lufti want to invite other or not,, he said ok,.. so I call Kenny
dsloong: hello kenny
Kenny: ye
dsloong: ni zai nan li? (where r u)
Kenny: wo zai Maluri (i in maluri)
dsloong: ni gen shui (with who)
Kenny: wo he wo peng you (me with my friend)
dsloong: o...gai ci (next time)
Then we went to Batu 14 lo.. nearby Lufti's house.. eat at there.. not really nice la.. but cheap.. i paid half and Lufti paid half... I think we eat around RM20
I order:
Nasi Goreng Daging Merah
2 Tauhu Bakar
2 hu qi.. (dono how to explain)
Ice Kosong
Lai chi Kang
Kailan Ikan Masin
Lufti's order
Mee Goreng
Orange Juice
2 hot dog.
Ice Kosong
While waiting the food, I call Shauqi.. disturb him.. Lufti pretend as Izzul.. hehe

After finish eat, straight go back to Lufti's house lo... We went to upstair,,, Then take some pic.. Lufti's room. Actually not his room. He told me , he always sleep at living room. so messy .. haha

Then go downstair lo.. OMG . his dad woke up.. That time I so shy lo.. asked this and that.. haha... 1 question 1 answer.. Then I quickly went go upstair.. That night pity at Lufti. He slept on the floor. and I sleep on the bed.
Still cannot sleep. So we disturb our old friend. 1st we thinking calling Nyot. But dont have his phone number. So we call Hafizi. After Hafizi we call Mawi. But Mawi also dont have. At last we call #183 Mcdonald Taman Connought and asked Nyot number.. There told us, Nyot already resign. But we still have his number. So we call Nyot.. But engage. Then we fall in sleep after chit chat lo... Before sleep , He told me must wake up at 9.00am.. haha.. But we dont.
Around 6am , Lufti's sister wake me up. Actually she want to wake up his brother. Asked him go Sembahyang Subuh.. haha... I try to wake up him, But he sleep like pig.. zzzzzzz. Somemore snoring and keep kentut.. haha.
0630 - one more time.. this time she switch on the light.. haha.. at last Lufti wake up.. After finish pray. He try to blanket me.. Tought I'm cold.. But I throw the blanket to him back.. haha .... so jahat...
Then we fall in sleep until 1010.
Second Day in KL
1000 - wake up.. take shower. Then Lufti make me a drink. Milo Ice. But I dont drink milk.. Then I make my self Milo O Ice. Then eat some bread.. Only eat the red bean. The plain one I throw away.
1030 - Lufti asked me to drive his car. Proton Satria.. and he drive Proton Wira.. left side one. then i told him, not use to drive manual car. at last he drive Satria, and Lufti's dad drive Wira.
1120 - went out his house.. That time quite jam. we went to Lufti's sister school 1st. Take house key.
1300 - reach Lufti's sister house. Then exchange car lo.. so Lufti drive Wira and his dad sit behind.
1330 - Lufti send me to monorail KL Sentral. So we depart already. aiks.. actually still can follow him. But wrong way.. straight send me to KL Sentral
1400 - went to Lowyat again. because my cousin bro want to buy note book ram lo... Then buy one more.. apple usb power adapter for my sister,
Kingston 2GB PC 667 DDR2 Ram (notebook) - RM82.00
Apple USB Power Adapter - RM119.00
omg.. not enough money already, so ccall Azlan Syah. Coz I still want to buy Power Supply. He cant help.. said no money. Then call Alan. Alan said no maybank.. cant help. so at last no buying. still not enough money buy ticket back to Perak..
last choice.. call Lufti.. Asked him borrow me RM50.. phew.. save... That time he at Balai Polis Jalan Bandar (Trafic) paid summon lo.. Then I want go there take money. aiks.... BY Walking.. asked about 5 people. all give me wrong direction. 3 of them is police.. Then give me direction to Balai Polis Dang Wangi.. damn.. i walk about 3km.. but wrong way..
That time Lufti keep calling me.. asked where am i.. at last i told him wake at Balai Polis nearby Hang Tuah there.. Then walk back again.. total need walk bout 6km.. so tired.. my shirt also almost wet all..
1520 - at last .. meet Lufti at there.. He send me to Pudu Raya.. and pass me RM50. But he going to Pudu Raya too... Help his sister buy ticket to Kuantan...
so we depart aroubd 1600. and I sit inside the bus. He quite rushing and busy that day.. After buy ticket, he need send his sister go to hospital.. haha
1600 - at Bus.. stupid bus.. so slow.. some more hot...
1900 - reach Ipoh. exchange bus.. walao eh.. that bus so hot.. the aircond spoil.. and almost all the sit rosak...
2020 - reach manjung. walk to mcd manjung lo... see who can fetch me balik my house,, at venice...